Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring 1 - Done and Movin' On

So, we decided for Hunter to go ahead and race the first race of the season at NTK on Sunday. He was super excited!!

He didn't have his times down to where we wanted them on Saturday, but he did get down to :47 second laps on Sunday.

And he finished 2nd!!

Okay, okay, there were only two karts racing in his class, but it's still 2nd place points!

One boy had an accident during practice and banged up his elbow pretty badly and damaged his kart, so he was out, then another racer did something to her kart during practice, so they packed up and left, which left Hunter and another boy to race. The other kid is in his 2nd season in this kart so he had at least a 4-5 second lead on Hunter per lap. But that was okay. We got seat time.

I took a little video of the first lap on the final heat of the day for Hunter. Boy, he looked good on the start...he jumped up front and looked like he wanted to stay there...until...well, we have some corner work to do as you'll see, but bless his little heart he did good!! We are so proud of him.

We're not racing in Spring 2 next week...Dad is working the race so Hunter will just collect the 1st place points for that (cool deal, huh!). But we'll get some corner work down for Spring 3 on Saturday, March 27th at 6PM. Come on out!

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